flex.bi for Jumis PRO

See Jumis Templates

Affordable and easy reporting tool for Jumis

Business Intelligence for CEOs

Affordable and easy to set up reporting and BI tool for Jumis PRO customers. Custom built reports and dashboards on financial and other data from Jumis database. Receive scheduled emails with dashboards in PDF format in your or your customers email and save time on manual reporting. Import budgets and other additional data to enhance your accounting data. See your financial data in a visual and easy to use way and save your accountants time.

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flex.bi for Jumis PRO Integration

Take your Jumis PRO reporting to new level

Report Builder, Result Tracking, Planning, Execution, and Forecasting

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Strategic and Operational Dashboard  tool for Jumis
  • out of the box support for the most used Financials module
  • Analytics by Budget positions and other data structures
  • powerful and easy to set up integration using SQL connection
  • fast and easy way to connect with  standardized connector
  • possibility to create custom built cubes for any data or business logic with Custom Builder
  • 30 Day Trial and free setup on your company data

Read more about Jumis PRO integration
Our Custom Cube Builder is flexible as hell

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Our Jumis PRO source application now boasts enhanced flexibility with the addition of the custom cube builder. This feature allows users to encompass virtually any data available in the Jumis database. Create new cubes, dimensions, measures, and implement custom data transformations using JavaScript for unprecedented customisation options.

Learn more about Custom Cube Builder possibilities
Reports & Dashboards for All Departments of your Business

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It is not only for managers, it is for everyone – dashboards in web browser, mobile device, scheduled PDF in your email on Monday morning or Wallboard for sales team with relevant information for them. Communicate your company goals for all team members and make sure that use working towards the same common goal. Our data access roles will match even the most complex needs.

Read more about Wallboards


You can start with Our Templates and find inspiration in Report Library

You can start with Our Templates and find inspiration in 

flex.bi is self-service reporting tool and we want to make it as easy for you as possible to get started. You can start with our templates for some inspiration and adjust the reports to your needs. You don’t have to be a programmer, just drag and drop report blocks, to find the answers you are looking for.

See Templates for Jumis PRO

Would like to know more about Pricing?

flex.bi available in Cloud and Enterprise versions

See flex.bi Pricing plans Apply for 30 day trial

Jumis integration modules


You can visualize your budget plan and compare it with Live data. Save time on manual data management. Personalized Profit and Loss reports and power of finance consolidation.

See Jumis templates
Project analytics

Focus on project budgets and always be on top of your expenses. Motivate your team to focus on budget and plan future activities for each project.

See Jumis templates
Sales Invoices

Predict future trends and sales results at the end of the month. Monitor performance of each agent and measure if they reach the targets.

See Jumis templates
Stock analytics

Detailed item reports by location, routes and variations, as well as, classifications and objects. Stock turnover report will help you to see the progress.

See Jumis templates

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