Videos & Webinars

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Online Masterclass First Steps In Business Analytics

Good planning is the key of your success. Learn how to start a BI project and set your bisiness goals & priorities.

First steps in – How it works & Reports templates

How to use dashboards, import templates, connect data and build your first report? All these questions answered.

How to build a beautiful dashboard

Dashboard is not only beautiful picture. Learn how to make user friendly and functional dashboards.

First steps in – Using Templates Library

You can import a report template from our Templates Library in 60 s - learn how to do that! info day “Can Business Intelligence Help in Company Management?"

How important is it to see company results in real time? Maybe that is the key of successful business?

How to add more dimensions and measures to Hansaworld imports? is flexible. You can add fields not included in our standard version and use them in reports.

How to set up your Standard ERP for REST API 2.0

Rest API ensures fast and secure data transfer from Standard ERP to See what steps you have to make to enable it.

Conditional Messages & Resource planning

Did you know that your tables can speak to you? Learn how to add Text messages and dynamic colour formatting to get faster insights.

Analyze Issue Cycle Times With eazyBI

If you are Jira user you know how important it is to measure the speed of solving the issue. Learn how to analyse this JIRA info with eazyBI.

MDX programming basics webinar recording

Well, well well - lets get serious about report building! Understanding how MDX language woks opens whole new world of opportunities.

Budget entering tool in Google Sheets & MS Excel

Why to limit yourself with one data source? Add data from XLS and Google sheets to see the big picture. This guide will show you how.

Getting Smart with MDX: 30 Most Popular MDX Formulas With Examples

Most populat MDX functions and expressions that will save your time and make life easier. At least in world.

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