
Whats New In flex.bi 6.0.0?

Flex.bi 6.0.0 is here and you can maybe guess that we have something big to present from that important number alone. New design and colors, unlimited data consolidation possibilities, and faster imports due to incremental updates. This and much more we will describe in detail.


Brighter and easier on the eyes

In previous versions, we have gradually improved design here and there, but this time it is something more. Much larger color palette for jaw-dropping reports, lighter looking tables, new icons, and more. We feel the new look is more contemporary and also easier to use and to create better-looking reports due to larger color palette which allows to select shades of colors easier thus allowing to create still colorful yet easier to read graphs


Consolidate everything

One of the big benefits of Standard ERP software is the ability to easily manage multiple company data in the same server. So naturally, you would want to analyze all that data in flex.bi and ideally, in the same account. For more than four years you have been able to analyze financial data in a consolidated flex.bi account, but finally you can consolidate any of the flex.bi cubes!

You can enable consolidation in a Business level account for selected companies from your server and that will create a new dimension Company so that you can analyze data in any cubes by a separate company or multiple companies at the same time. That opens a wealth of opportunities. You want to see how the same people are performing across multiple organizations? You want to set group-wide sales or purchase budgets? You want to analyze your purchase expenses or ordering in multiple companies? You want to use the benefit of having shared item registers across multiple companies and compare how two companies are performing in terms of item sales, gross profit, or any other metrics? Well, now you can!

consolidationconsolidation, flex.bi

Import only what has changed

We have offered incremental import of only changed data sets for a limited set of customers for a while now and now we are ready to make it public – you don’t have to reload all the data from a set period of time in the past or future anymore. You can import only those customers, invoices, sales orders, and other register records that have been created or updated since the last flex.bi import. This will not only make flex.bi imports faster but also reduce the load on your Standard ERP server. You can enable this feature per register in your Source application settings. Please note that not all registers support this feature in Standard ERP, but the majority do and you can even customize your system to add the missing ones.

Honorary mentions

  • Budgets and their revised versions can now be imported straight from Standard ERP
  • You can now freeze not only table column headings but also row heading for those long monthly overviews
  • New weekday dimension will allow comparing performance between say Monday and Friday
  • Additional standard calculations such as cumulative sum, time ago calculations, and more


These are just our top picks from the abundance of new and exciting features in flex.bi 6.0.0. Please, visit our izmaiņu sarakstā, for the complete list, and of-course explore and check-out those goodies yourself in your account. 

Keep safe and keep on reporting!

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