
#teamgoals #collaborate #organisationmanagement #goals #adizes

Mastering Team integrity with Adizes methodology

No common goals can be achieved without a common vision and understanding. When a team is formed we sometimes forget how different each member is, how different languages we speak. Working from distance can be a trigger to point out those differences in daily routines, ability to learn independently, attention span, and many more that we do not think about when we meet.

Last year with flex.bi Team, we decided to take a journey to Adizes Institute world with our trainer Vladimirs Kuzmins, who helped us to define our own KPIs and agree on common goals and mission for flex.bi team. Learning about Adizes PAEI person types has helped us to understand each other better and accept differences, we have for our Team members, but most importantly – to manage our expectations from each other! Some of us are more flexible, some of us have very curious minds, some are more intolerant to changes than others, but some are wandering around in search of new ideas constantly! But when we put it all together – it makes a perfect and unique combo that can deal with any challenge that we face. Thanks to Adizes approach of analyzing Organisation Lifecycles we have unlocked new power of our Organisation and ability to grow even stronger in the year 2022.

With Adizes we have learned how to put this puzzle together, make a beautiful picture and find the missing pieces!



Now I know that my team is united and is taking small steps daily to achieve our big goal and fulfill our mission. We share common values, but respect the differences of each other. Thank you Adizes Institute Latvia and Vladimirs Kuzmins personally for helping us in this journey.

If you are looking for some management assistance and want to understand your Organisation style and pulse in detail, I am suggesting you to try this methodology.

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