
Whats new in flex.bi version 4.0.12?

We have introduced few new updates since we launched flex.bi version 4.0.0. We have added some new features and given a new, elegant look for embedded dashboards. Here are the most important new features in flex.bi versions 4.0.0 – 4.0.12.

Google Sheets source

Why Google Sheets? It is a cloud based alternative to MS Excel, thus, you can add, edit and view the content wherever you are (as long as you are connected to the internet). If one of our missions is to provide genuine overview of the data on the go – on computer, tablet, smartphone, then Google Sheets is a great place to store your data and import it with ease in flex.bi for further analysis (choose regular import to keep the data from your Google Sheets documents updated in flex.bi).

If you have data that is being changed regulary and you need it imported automatically or you have data that is edited by several users simultaneously, then Google Sheets is a more convenient way to process such situations than MS Excel files.

Use it for Budgeting, Finance, CRM and more!

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Embeddable dark dashboards with automatic refresh 

Have you ever felt that white dashboard background is not enough and wanted the dashboard to look different? Well, we did! That is why we created the Dark dashboard theme. And it has one more bonus – automatic refresh!

Dashboards hold statistical treasure and the value of it grows when shared. Embed the dashboard in other software, platform or website, share it on the TV screen in your office or warehouse and present the company/team progress to all employees and management. That’s the best way to see up-to-date information.

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Visit these links to get a feel for the new embedded dashboard look & get some inspiration: Customer segmentation, Activity & efficiency, Sales reports.

Templates section

Have you ever got some new data & wanted to see how it influences or connects to other company data, but were not sure where to start? No worries, we have your back!

We have added a ‘Atskaišu paraugi‘ button on the navigation bar, that brings you to the dashboard of the Templates account. (flex.bi Enterprise users can specify the Templates dashboard link, using new server parameter).

Whenever you need an inspiration for a new report or before building a new report, you can take a peak in the new ‘Atskaišu paraugi‘ section. Now it is super easy to find and access. Maybe it is worth taking a look right now?


New ways to analyse your data

CUBE – Deliveries 

Do you sell physical goods? Do you know where your stock went? Or who received most of your goods last week?

Take a better look at your Stock with the new Deliveries Cube.

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Country dimension 

To analyse data across several departments can be time-consuming and when your company grows – it doesn’t get any easier either. It gets even more challenging when you go internationally, having clientele in different countries. By introducing country dimension, we have made it easier to analyse this process. Now you can compare performance across different countries, drill into different object levels and have a great overview of your business activities abroad.

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Downpayment Invoice

Having customers that pay in advance is absolutely great – it allows you to plan your activities, but in the same time – these are your future obligations.

Let’s be responsible and consistent with your promises and keep them in mind. Now Downpayment Invoices can be imported in flex.bi as well, allowing you to predict your future activities and allocate resources accordingly, better than before.

List of all the changes in new 4.0.12 version

Hope you will enjoy our new features & have pleasure working with them!
Any feedback and questions are always welcome regarding new and older functionality!

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